What is Nepro®?

Women drinking Homemade Vanilla Nepro
Women drinking Homemade Vanilla Nepro
Women drinking Homemade Vanilla Nepro

Nepro is created to help meet the specialized nutrition needs of people on dialysis.

Get reacquainted with foods and nutrients

A healthcare professional (HCP) can teach you about the nutrient composition of foods and how to adjust your eating habits now that you are on dialysis. Together with your healthcare professionals, you can develop manageable meal plans that will provide the right amounts of protein, fluids, vitamins, and minerals you need each day.

What makes Nepro special?

Nepro is an excellent source of protein, and it low in both potassium and phosphorus. Nepro contains CARBSTEADY®, unique blends of slow-release carbohydrates that help minimize blood sugar spikes, compared to high-glycemic carbohydrates. It tastes great cold and comes in three delicious flavors—Homemade Vanilla, Butter Pecan, and Mixed Berry.

When to use Nepro

Nepro may be recommended as a convenient way to get protein and nutrients whenever your usual dietary intake fails to meet your nutrition needs.


For example, if you’re too busy or feel too tired to prepare a meal on dialysis days, Nepro can help fill the gap.

The Nepro convenience factor

Nepro is a delicious way to help you meet your specialized nutrition needs:

  • A good source of vitamins and minerals
  • Low in potassium, phosphorus, and sodium
  • Low in saturated fat and cholesterol (with no trans fat)
  • Suitable for fluid-restricted diets

Ask your healthcare professional for more information about Nepro.
Use under medical supervision.

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